Zur Großen Transformation VitaFutur 2050 Vitalität und Zukunftsfähigkeit
Zur Großen Transformation VitaFutur 2050Vitalität und Zukunftsfähigkeit

Form No. 2

Blanc Sheet 2

1 Country + Example

Calculation; Preperation included:

Global Governance,

Minus- Sustainability

Unequality (Interpolation Gini)


The Download guides directly to the Source Score of the indices to further preparation

The Preparation and Calculation for a country of interest
GB VF Anl 7 2 geschützt countries blanc [...]
Microsoft Word-Dokument [20.2 KB]

Hints for Operation


Call the corresponding Internet Adresses (Strg + click),  identify the country and the year, you are interested in.Select for every Index  the value in correspondence to the example; complete the preparation, calculate the VitaFutur-Index and send the copy , if you like, as supplement  by an email to archie@xeniapolis.de. Thank you.

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Dr. Helmut Volkmann Verdistr. 4 D-85598 Baldham