Zur Großen Transformation VitaFutur 2050 Vitalität und Zukunftsfähigkeit
Zur Großen Transformation VitaFutur 2050Vitalität und Zukunftsfähigkeit


Methodical Approach

That is the Principle for each Balancing as things stand, similar to an economic balance-Sheet.


VitaFutur is an emergent characteristic of a Gestalt-System like a Country, an enterprise or a Community. VitaFutur is the Result of the Design of components, which destinate the Vitality und Futurability of a Gestalt.

The Gestalt-Balance is an holistic Approach to measure VitaFutur. There are different ways to find  the measure VitaFutur:

  1. Top Down:   The Major Index VitaFutur for a country composed by international accepted Indices from authorized Instutions
  2. Bottom Up:   The Balance of SWOT for Futur Options, can be done for every Gestalt
  3. The Arrangement of Pillar-Models without Aggregation for one number  (the aggregation is represented by a picture or a list with measures and symbols for succes )
  4. An Indicator- Weather-Chart - symbols for weather are used to classify progress and sucess of actions, attitudes, goal fullfilment
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